Tonight: Fusebox sponsoring fundraiser to benefit poor and homeless

With social media – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube – now nearly as ubiquitous as cell phones, as a digital agency, we spend a lot of time thinking about how to monetize these new platforms for our clients. We are, after all, a for-profit business. But that doesn’t mean we’re just about profit. Using our skills to try to make the world a little bit better has always been a key part of our philosophy at Fusebox.

One of the ways we’re currently doing that is by sponsoring the Social Media for Social Change (SM4SC) fundraiser for Camillus House, being held tonight at Club 50 at the Viceroy, in Miami. SM4SC connects people actively involved in the social media arena – technologists, PR professionals, bloggers, etc. – with non-profit organizations to help them use these new tools and platforms to maximize their fundraising efforts. Camillus House, serves poor and homeless men, women and children living in South Florida.

We’re inspired by the amazing work that both of these organizations are doing, and we’re proud to have the opportunity to support them.

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